Power & Pleasure : All Things Women's Health Uncensored

Real Talk About Abortion Access, Support, & Need For Women's Health

Episode Notes

If you’ve tuned in to this podcast before, you know, we keep it real here. This episode is definitely real, raw, and very informative around the topic of abortion. There’s still so much shame, guilt and taboo around this topic, but let’s face it this is real healthcare for women. Healthcare that women need!

Guest Vienna Farlow, whom is a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner,  owner of The Cuntsultant, fertility awareness educator, and advocate for reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ inclusion,  and abortion access shares a ton of valuable information and resources around abortion care.

Some of the highlights discussed in this episode include;

-What the abortion laws look like state to state in the USA

-What are the various types of abortion access; surgical, the pill, herbal abortion

-How to get support around abortion from making the decision to healing post abortion

Remember abortion is still legal in the USA. Access varies state to state but it is still legal

Here are some of the resources discussed:







Find guest Vienna Farlow at:

Website: www.thecuntsultant.com

Instagram: @thecvntsultant

Connect with host Kim Bilyk at:


IG; @kimbilyk_

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