Power & Pleasure : All Things Women's Health Uncensored

Power Of Your Period; Syncing Your Flow To Your Life

Episode Notes

Have you wondered why one week you feel queen of everything and the next you are on an emotional rollercoaster and want to curl up and cry. Well love, the good news is, it is not all in your head. This change in energy is related to your natural shift in your hormones that occurs throughout your cycle. Unlike men, us women are not linear. We have ebbs and flows.

In this episode I talk about the 4 phases of your cycle and how your hormones shift with each phase. I also share the energy changes that occur with your hormone shift and the power of understanding these changes. When you tune into your body and your womb, and sync with your cycle you can master all areas of your life. Yes your business life, sex life, health, family life, relationships, money, creativity, and more!!!

Let's stay connected!!

-IG: @kimbilyk_

-Website; amala-living.com

I will be launching my journal, "Womb Wisdom Journal," in the next few weeks. This journal will help you connect to your body, your cycle, and these superpowers I talk about in this episode. E-mail kim@amala-living.com to get on the waitlist!